Website Updates

   While the website will be edited, updated, and new blog entries added whenever possible, please be patient. I, Junior Barnes, have alot on my mind. I am owner/founder/creator of this website, the only person that ever edits/updates, or does anything to this site (it's a one-man job) and have alot more bird related projects I am trying to get underway. Along with editing and updating my website, writing new blog posts, going on birdwatching trips, photographing birds, and helping other birders, I have now begun to new projects:

  1. I am entirely remaking very single bird ID on this site. The Bird ID's page is currently unaccesable.
  2. I am compiling a bird field guide.

  It takes a very long time to make even one  online ID. Also, it takes almost as long to create a bird ID in my field guide. Considering the ammount of time it tskes to make an ID, I decided to undertake the task of creating 'Ohio Birds Field Guide'. Below is a sample page of my guide*. My main point of this article: Be patient is the website isn't edited that often!


   *NOTE: The shape indicator icon has been removed in the pictures below because they were borrowed by permission from the Cornell Lab of onrnithology. In order to put them in print or on ym website I would have to work out a licensing agreement. Images below copyright owned by me. Do not post on any other websites, or print the image. Bird photos taken by me, copyright owned by me. To see more of my bird and other wildlifevphotography, visit:




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